State a 90 Day Review in Offer Letter

Station Overview

Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency (also referred to equally xc-Day Letter), is a taxpayer's legal notice that the IRS is proposing a deficiency. These letters provide taxpayers with data near their right to challenge proposed IRS adjustments in the United States Tax Court by filing a petition within 90 days of the engagement of their notice (150 days if you reside outside the United states of america).

This observe or letter may include additional topics that have non still been covered hither. Please check back oftentimes for updates.

What does this alphabetic character mean to me?

If the IRS is proposing to adjust the amount of taxation y'all owe, you will typically be sent a statutory detect of deficiency informing you of the proposed change resulting in a balance due. Alphabetic character 3219 is sent to taxpayers whose IRS audit was conducted by mail service, while Letter of the alphabet 531 is issued to taxpayers whose audits were conducted in person. Considering this find provides you with the right to challenge the proposed adjustment in the Revenue enhancement Court without showtime paying the proposed adjustment, the statutory notice of deficiency is ofttimes considered "your ticket to the Tax Courtroom."

The IRS is required to transport a statutory notice of deficiency to a taxpayer's last known address past certified mail. The last known address is more often than not the address that appears on your well-nigh recently filed and properly candy tax render unless the IRS is given clear and concise notification of a different accost.

The credits that were claimed on your render were disallowed. Your account will be adapted, perchance resulting in a reduced refund or residual due.

How did I go here?

While processing your tax render the IRS conducted a review of the wages, withholding, and credits claimed and were unable to verify the amounts you reported. Therefore, a proposal to disallow your wages, withholding, or credits and accommodate your business relationship, peradventure resulting in a reduced refund amount or a balance due.

Y'all received an Letter 3219 considering the IRS completed the examination of your tax return and proposed changes to the amount of tax yous owe. You have either not responded or accept not provided a signed agreement consenting to these changes. Without your consent, the IRS cannot assess the proposed deficiency without outset providing you an opportunity to challenge these adjustments by filing a petition with the Tax Court.

What are my next steps?



Review the Complete Audit Report

You should review the consummate audit report enclosed with your alphabetic character. Yous should determine if yous concur with the proposed changes or wish to file a petition with the Tax Court to dispute the adjustments made by the IRS. If yous agree, sign and render Form 5564, Notice of Deficiency-Waiver, which was provided with the Grade 3219, Notice of Deficiency.

If you do not concur with the adjustments and intend to file a petition, you should review the information provided in your letter, along with the information and instructions available on the United States Tax Court website. The necessary forms can be institute on this website, forth with a Petition Kit. There is a fee for the filing of a petition; however, you may file an Awarding for Waiver with the Tax Court. To petition the Taxation Court, y'all must transport your petition to the United States Tax Courtroom (not the IRS) inside the 90-mean solar day (or 150-twenty-four hours) catamenia shown on your notice. This is the time menstruation prescribed by law and cannot be extended by the IRS. If you miss the deadline, you won't exist able to take a judge review your example without commencement paying the amount due. If the 90th day (or 150th day) is a Sat, a Sunday, or a legal holiday in the District of Columbia, your petition will still be timely if filed on the adjacent business twenty-four hours which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal vacation.

Respond to the letter, even if yous disagree with the information in the letter of the alphabet. If y'all disagree, send the IRS a letter of the alphabet explaining what data you recall is in error. Provide the information requested in the letter.

If the aligning to your account results in a rest due, pay the corporeality yous owe by the due date on the find.

If you can't pay the total amount due, pay every bit much as you can and visit Paying Your Taxes to consider online payment options. If y'all need additional assistance, telephone call the IRS at the cost-free number on the top right corner of your notice.

I demand more than data

Where can I get boosted assist?

Understanding your discover or alphabetic character

Scan common tax issues and situations at TAS Go Help

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an contained arrangement within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayers' rights. We tin can offering you aid if your tax trouble is causing a financial difficulty, you've tried and been unable to resolve your issue with the IRS, or yous believe an IRS arrangement, process, or procedure only isn't working as it should. If y'all qualify for our help, which is always free, we will do everything possible to help y'all.

Visit or call 1-877-777-4778.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) are independent from the IRS and TAS. LITCs represent individuals whose income is beneath a certain level and who demand to resolve tax issues with the IRS. LITCs can represent taxpayers in audits, appeals, and tax drove disputes earlier the IRS and in court. In add-on, LITCs tin provide information about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in unlike languages for individuals who speak English language as a 2nd language. Services are offered for free or a small fee. For more than information or to notice an LITC virtually y'all, encounter the LITC page on the TAS website or Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.

Related Letters and Forms


Where am I in the tax system?

90 Day Find of Deficiency


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